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Support Us



We appreciate your commitment to providing a high-quality education for all of our students. 


Celebration of graduateTuition alone does not cover the total cost of educating our students. The naming gift and the two other major gifts received by the school in 2015 are intended to retire our long term debt; these funds may not be used for general operating expenses or tuition assistance. To meet our operating costs, sustain our academic programming and extra-curricular activities, and continue to provide financial aid, we need to raise over $1.5 million this year.


Over half of our students receive tuition assistance. Offering support enables the school to attract a more diverse student body, providing our students a richer educational and social experience. A founding policy and philosophy of the school are to enroll any qualified Jewish student who wishes to attend. Your gift will help us uphold that mission.


To contribute, click here to make an online donation or mail a check to the school.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Development Department at 847-324-3710.