Academics » Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy

Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy

The Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy is an award presented at graduation in recognition of attaining a high-level of proficiency in English and in one or more other languages. It is officially designated on a student’s transcript and high school diploma.

This award is intended to include students who speak a language other than English at home as well as those who are completing a course of study in a world language through high school. Bilingualism is an asset to be celebrated!
Being bilingual is a valuable skill in today’s global society. Language curriculums that guide students toward the Seal of Biliteracy encourage students to use their language skills rather than just learn about a language. The Seal gives students something tangible to strive for as they work to learn new languages and/or maintain their home language during their studies.

In Illinois, the seal also translates into Foreign Language course credit at public colleges and universities.
The State Seal of Biliteracy was established:
  • To encourage the study of world languages.
  • To officially certify attainment of biliteracy.
  • To provide employers with a method of identifying multilinguals.
  • To provide universities with an additional method to recognize applicants seeking admission and language placement
  • To prepare students with 21st century skills.
  • To recognize the value of world language and native language instruction.
  • To strengthen intergroup relationships, affirm the value of diversity, and honor the multiple cultures and
    languages of a community!
What assessments can be used to demonstrate proficiency?
English Proficiency
  1. ACT or SAT scores
  2. ACCESS (for EL students)
  3. AP Language & Composition scores
  4.  Dual Credit coursework
  5. STAMP 4S exam
  6. AAPPL
World Language Proficiency
  1. AP Language & Culture score
  2. STAMP 4S exam
  3. AAPPL exam
  4. Other ACTFL domain exams
  5. ALTA exam
    Other portfolio methods are available
All qualifying test scores and portfolio submissions must be from the student’s 9th-12th grade academic years.
For more information, please contact Mr. Loeb or Mrs. Eisenberg. You may also send an email to [email protected] with any questions.