Over the summer, we compiled our students' words of Torah and artistic expression from the past year to provide our first ever Rosh HaShanah Reader. These reflections represent Torat Rochelle Zell, the Torah of Rochelle Zell. What are the features of this learning and teaching? Our curriculum features deep study of primary and secondary sources, with ideas flowing across classes. It is deeply empathic and vulnerable, making individual and communal connections. Western literature complements how our students read Torah, and students becoming closer readers of all texts because of their Jewish studies classes. Our learning provides language to explore the ineffable.
In this collection, you will find but a sampling of the insights of our students. We look forward to providing more student work at several points throughout the year.
We hope that you will print out this document and bring it with you to High Holiday services. The students’ Torah is sure to complement your prayer and reflection during this time of year. Wishing you and your family Shanah Tovah u’Metukah!
Rabbi Zachary Silver
Rav Beit Sefer