Weather Update: Snow Day February 2, 2022

Given the forecast for a major snowstorm beginning tonight and through tomorrow morning, we are canceling classes for tomorrow, Wednesday. It appears we will be on the very northern edge of the storm front, with some unpredictability as to total accumulations and the likelihood of lower accumulations in Lake and northern Cook Counties. That said, we recognize that many of our students and staff commute from points south, including the city, and that travel conditions on the roads will likely be hazardous given the timing of the storm and the likelihood of ice on the roads.

This will be a “true” snow day – no remote learning. This will be the only no-classes snow day this school year. In the event of additional bad-weather days (including possibly on Thursday), we will simply pivot to remote learning. We will update you with the plan for Thursday the evening before.

The status of after-school sports activities will be communicated to the affected teams by 1 p.m. on Wednesday by Coach Martinez or the team coaches.

Enjoy your snow day tomorrow!